The Academic Committee invites all BRAZ-TESOLERS - teachers, teacher trainers, researchers, program administrators, and material writers – to submit proposals for presentations.
The closing date for receipt of proposals is February 28, 2010, but we encourage you to submit your work as early as possible. Visit our website to submit your proposal form (www.braz-tesol.org.br).
All proposals will be read by members of the Academic Committee and designated readers, and notification of acceptance will be sent by mid- April, 2010.
All presenters must be BRAZ-TESOL members, and must register for the convention before submitting a proposal.
Obs: Workshops, papers and talks at BT conventions are usually conducted in English; however, proposals for presentations in Portuguese will be considered.
Closing Date: February 28th, 2010
We look forward to hearing from you!
Vinicius Nobre
First Vice President
12th National Convention
Academic Chair

The 12th BRAZ-TESOL National Convention “The Art of Teaching” will be held in São Paulo, from July 19 to 22 at Escola Beit Yaacov.
A forum for professionals in the field of English Language Teaching, the convention promotes the discussion of theoretical and practical issues related to the teaching of English to Speakers of other languages.
It is a unique opportunity for BRAZ-TESOL members and international colleagues to get together present their work and reflect on their practice. Renowned specialists in ELT will be giving specialized courses as well, besides leading workshops and delivering papers and plenary talks.
Call for Papers
The Academic Committee invites all BRAZ-TESOLERS - teachers, teacher trainers, researchers, program administrators, and material writers – to submit proposals for presentations.
The closing date for receipt of proposals is February 28, 2010, but we encourage you to submit your work as early as possible. Click here to submit your proposal form.
All proposals will be read by members of the Academic Committee and designated readers, and notification of acceptance will be sent by mid-April, 2010.
All presenters must be BRAZ-TESOL members, and must register for the convention before submitting a proposal.
Obs: Workshops, papers and talks at BT conventions are usually conducted in English; however, proposals for presentations in Portuguese will be considered.
Closing Date: February 28th, 2010
Get more information at: http://www.braztesol.org.br
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