Third Symposium on Bilingualism, Bilingual Education and Citizenship in Latin America
July 8-10, 2009, São Paulo, Brazil
The symposium on "Bilingualism, Bilingual Education and Citizenship in Latin America" will take place in São Paulo, Brazil on July 8,9,10, 2009 at PUC–SP (Catholic University of São Paulo) and UMC – Villa Lobos (The University of Mogi das Cruzes – Villa Lobos). This third edition of the event brings out a remarkable new feature, which is a pre-conference. The first Bilinglatam Pre-Conference winter school will take place on July 8th 2009 and will offer courses for graduate and undergraduate students and masters and doctors in the various fields of Bilingualism, Bilingual Education, Bilingual Teacher Education and Citizenship Education. Students all over the world are encouraged to participate and contribute to the high quality interdisciplinary teaching of the School.
General Information
In similar fashion to BILINGLATAM I and II, which took place respectively in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 2004 and in Bogotá, Colombia, in 2006, this symposium aims at promoting the exchange of knowledge in the fields of research and teaching on bilingualism and bilingual education among those who work in majority and minority language contexts in Latin America.
The Organising Committee invites proposals for presentations on any aspect of the central themes, which are:
Bilingual Education
Bilingual Teacher Education
Citizenship Education
There will be three modalities of presentation:
• Keynote sessions (with invited keynote speakers)
• Oral papers (Maximum time, 30 minutes)
• Poster presentation sessions (30 minutes)
English, Portuguese, LIBRAS (Brazilian Sign Language) and Spanish are the official languages of the Symposium.
Call for Papers
The Bilinglatam symposia series aim at promoting an exchange of knowledge in the fields of research and teaching on bilingualism, bilingual education, bilingual teacher education and citizenship education among those who work in majority and minority language contexts in Latin America. The past two symposia (Buenos Aires, 2004 and Bogotá, 2006) were concerned to consolidate work carried out in bilingualism in Latin America in relation to policy, pedagogical practices, and teacher education. Thus, the symposia invited prominent researchers involved with these issues in their research to participate in these events and to inform the debate, taking into account perspectives that will enrich the discussion.
The third symposium will address bilingualism, bilingual education and bilingual teacher education, linking these concepts with the notion of citizenship. Due to our preoccupation in expanding the scenario to deprived communities, we plan to attend the issue related to prestigious and minorities’ bilingualism, focusing interdependence as a single goal. The themes of the Symposia are at the core of our responsibility towards a greater community of life and future generations (La Carta de la Tierra en Acción, UNICEF, 2008), emphasizing the condition for access to different cultures, closer forms of coexistence, and the possibility of access to cultural capital.
We feel that an exchange of knowledge and experience between research communities in Latin America will help in the understanding of common issues in an attempt to transform the socio-culturally unbalanced situation in which the Latin American communities live.
The symposium will welcome researchers from various fields of education and applied linguistics, including undergraduate students, masters and doctors from the participant institutions. We feel that this is a great opportunity to improve connections between Latin American researchers, through generating discussion and debate on issues arising from the relations between bilingualism, bilingual education and identity, bilingualism, bilingual education and intercultural relations, and bilingualism, bilingual education and citizenship.
The Organising Committee invites proposals for presentations on any aspect of the main themes of the conference.
Submit a summary of your paper or poster in approximately 200 words and an abstract of no more than 500 words. The abstract should include enough detail to allow reviewers to judge the scientific merits of the proposal. Abstracts will be reviewed by members of the Academic Committee. Oral papers and poster presentations will be allotted 30 minutes, allowing 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions. The official languages of the symposium are English, Portuguese, LIBRAS and Spanish.
Please complete and submit the enclosed Presenter's Form and abstract to: bilinglatamiii@yahoo.com.br
Deadline for submission of proposals: November 30th, 2008.
You will receive notification of acceptance no later than February 15th, 2009. If your proposal is accepted, you may send the full version of your paper before March 12th, 2009. Accepted papers will be included in the Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Bilingualism, Bilingual Education, Bilingual Teacher Education and Citizenship Education in Latin America, to be distributed on CD-ROM to conference participants at the end of the event. All registered attendees will receive a copy of the proceedings
The First International Symposium on Bilingualism and Bilingual Education in Latin America was held in Buenos Aires from 1-3 April, 2004. Participants came from a variety of Latin American countries, Uruguay, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Chile, Cuba, and Argentina. There were also people attending from North America (Canada and the United States), as well as from France, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, and Namibia. A large number of Argentine teachers and school administrators were also present at the five plenary sessions. The key note speakers included Ofelia García (Columbia University, USA), Fred Genesee (McGill University, Canada), Christine Hélot (Institute Universitaire de Formation des Maïtres, France), Nancy Hornberger (University of Pennsylvania, USA), Ricardo Otheguy (City University of New York, USA), Rebeca Barriga (Colegio de México), Fred Genesee (McGill University , Canada), Christine Hélot (Institute Universitaire de Formation des Maïtres , France), Richard Ruiz, ( University of Arizona , U.S.A. ) and Catherine Snow (University of Harvard , USA).
The Second International Symposium on Bilingualism and Bilingual Education in Latin America (Bilinglatam 2) took place in Bogotá, Colombia, on 5, 6 and 7 October, 2006 at Universidad de los Andes and Universidad Centro Colombo Americano. Bilinglatam 2 welcomed proposals on aspects of research on bilingualism and bilingual education related to models, programmes and pedagogical practices, bilingual policies, and teacher education and professional development in bilingual contexts. Keynote speakers included Rebeca Bariga (Colegio de Mexico), Fred Genesee (McGill University, Canada), Christine Hélot (Institute Universitaire de Formation des Maïtres, France), Richard Ruiz (Arizona University, USA) and Catherine Snow (Harvard University, USA)
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